Who is the White Rider? Who gives him that name, and why? (490)Ħ. What must Aragorn do now, according to Gandalf? (489)ĥ. Who is Gwaihir the Windlord, and what has he been doing for the past several days? (484)Ĥ. What is Entmoot, and where will it occur? (467)ģ. Why is Treebeard reluctant to reveal his real name? (454)Ģ. Merry and Pippin look back out of the shadows of Fangorn, "little furtive figures that in the dim light looked like elf-children in the deeps of time peering out of the Wild Wood in wonder at their first Dawn." How would you describe the initial innocence of all the hobbits? How is their innocence a counter to the more complicated experience of men, the ancient knowledge of Elves, the wisdom of Gandalf, and the evil of Sauron?īOOK THREE: CHAPTER IV, TREEBEARD≼HAPTER V, THE WHITE RIDERġ. After finishing The Lord of the Rings, how would you answer Éomer's question? How would you explain Aragorn's response: "A man may do both"? How would you describe the relationship between legends and day-to-day living?ĥ.

"Do we walk in legends or on the green earth in the daylight?" Éomer asks. Why does Aragorn proclaim his true identitywith all his namesÉomer at this time? What direction does his mission take as a result? What does Aragorn's mission turn out to be and how is it related to Frodo's mission?Ĥ. Why does Aragorn choose to follow the Orcs and not go after Frodo? Why is that choice so painful? In what ways might our more difficult and painful choices be the most important?ģ. As they prepare Boromir's funeral, Aragorn says to Gimli, "We must guess the riddles, if we are to choose our course rightly." And Gimli responds, "Maybe there is no right choice." How often does choosing the right course of action depend upon guessing "riddles" correctly? In what circumstances might there be "no right choice"?Ģ.